Advertise with us


Potential home buyers use our free bidding calculator while they consider an offer for a property, and that’s where YOU can reach them.

Prominent, exclusive placements are available for Real Estate Agents and Firms, Mortgage Consultants and Brokers, and Home Insurance Providers. Click here to see examples.

Advertising packages include exclusive rights to your selected area (pending availability), a customized e-billboard linking to your contact info, and guaranteed exposure to your target area. Click here to learn more and get started.

How does it work?

Bidding Calculator at Bidding Warrior
Our Bidding Calculator

People from all over the country visit after clicking an ad for our bidding calculator, indicating their current interest in a property purchase. Our advertisers pay a monthly fee for exclusive rights to this audience in their selected area.

Exclusive area rights are granted on a first come, first served basis, and areas are limited to one advertiser per category, so don’t wait to inquire about your area! Click here to set up a free one-on-one demonstration.

Our advertising packages include:

  • Guaranteed exposure to the population in your target area
  • Customized e-billboard linking to your information
  • Exclusive rights to your target area

Packages are available on a monthly basis, with discounts for longer-term plans (three or more months) and larger areas (county, etc.).

Pricing is based on the size and population of your target area, as in the following example*:

  • City or Town
    • All ZIP codes within a city or town
    • $1,000 per month
  • County
    • All ZIP codes within a county
    • $5,000 per month
  • Region
    • All ZIP codes within a multi-county region
    • $10,000 per month

*This example does not account for population, which we will review when preparing your quote.

Want to see how it all works and get started?
Fill out the form below and we will contact you for a one-on-one demonstration within one business day.